Props for Store Windows

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Customer Reviews of

Reviewer: Margaret Gibbs
Review: The herd of Hansa horses in my living room (what? doesn't everyone?) continues to grow with the addition of my handsome Clydesdale! Since he has an open mouth that can take a bit, I plan to buy him a pony-size bridle. I'll forgo a saddle, since I don't want to encourage the grandkids to try riding him as they do my black ride-on pony. I explained to them that, with his proudly raised foreleg, he's not steady enough on three hooves for that. "Besides," I said, "Clydesdales aren't often ridden. They pull carts." My son muttered, "Oh, great, now they'll want you to buy a toy beer wagon." But he (the horse, that is, not my son) looks so handsome in my "stable" with my black pony. His workmanship is the usual top quality I now expect from Hansa animals. They've captured the dignified, gentle look of a Clydesdale perfectly!