You already know about HansaToyStore's exceptional Customer Service, incredible offering of Lifelike Stuffed Animals and how easy it is to shop with us. Now share these benefits with your friends, plus a great introductory offer for new customers. |
When your friends makes their first purchase at HansaToyStore, you'll both benefit. You'll receive a Gift Certificate worth $5.00 for each friend you refer, that can be used towards the purchase of any toys or games we sell, and your friends will save Ten Percent (10%) on their first order!
Then you can both enjoy all the benefits of shopping at HansaToyStore: |
Click here to share these benefits with your friends and earn some money today.
Note: You'll need to be logged into your HansaToyStore account to Refer a Friend so we'll know who to send the $5.00 Gift Certificate to! In order to take advantage of our Refer A Friend program and qualify for your $5.00 Gift Certificate, you must have completed and accepted delivery of at least one (1) order at our store. |
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