Props for Store Windows

Props for TV, Movies, and Theater Productions
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Customer Reviews of

Reviewer: Amaroq de Quebrazas
Review: It is better than I imagined in its lovely attention to details like: the precious paws, mouth, eyes & soft hair. It looks like the real Tasmanian Devil but even cuter!

Reviewer: Shayne Smith-Tasmania
Review: Hansa, you have a very good plush of the tasmanian devil, however, they do not have white around the eyes or eyebrows. It is only a a light skin colour around the eyes where the black hair has not grown; nor are eyebrows evident at all. The snout , whilst not black, is still dark in colour. The tendency of plush makers to give the devil a brown snout can give the head a more 'bear-like ' appearance. The mouth you have created is very life like because it is only opened a little when the Devil growls. The wide open mouth depicted in many photos is not an indicaton of its ferocity but rather a healthy yawn! (They do however kill our chickens from time to time)