Props for Store Windows

Props for TV, Movies, and Theater Productions
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Customer Reviews of

Reviewer: Michael Goldstein
Review: Looks like a real turkey vulture, a flock of which landed on my property. The vulture, however, should be a bit larger.

Reviewer: rumpfl
Review: I've purchased quite a few stuffed animals from Hansa, and I must say that this vulture is one of my favorites. His picture on your website doesn't do him justice. He comes with a flash of peachy pink on his throat. Save for his size, one might just believe that he's real. Thank you once again, Hansa, for another spectacular creation!

Reviewer: Ann Harsh
Review: Love the item!

Reviewer: Joy Gonnerman
Review: I have always been an advocate for the "least of these" and what fits that better than a vulture? Your execution of this guy both Makes him believably unattractive and also sympathetic. the coloring on his neck and head, while still soft gives the impression of flesh. Again, he is possible so he can stand up erect or relax. Absolutely beautiful !
"Action Shot" :

Reviewer: ignacio pintado
Review: This was actually an impulse buy for me when buying something else for my nieces because I just think vultures are cool. Looks awesome perched atop my extra large digital clock. No regrets!!